About me
My name is Dmitry Olshansky and I’m a computer science researcher with broad spectrum of interests. Over time my focus changed from Robotics to AI to Compilers and Runtimes to Distributed Systems.
The world is too simple to believe it.
Two good brains is all it takes.
Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right. (Henry Ford)
We become what we do. (Pierre Gauthier)
Things I do
CEO of Glow labs, a D language specific IT consultancy.
ElasticSearch consulting - mainly scaling and common misconfigurations.
Constantly approaching the defense of my PhD thesis on an obscure machine learning technique “JSM method” in application to chemestry.
Contributing to the D programming language - authored 2 modules of standard library, also did tools and other small additions.
Working at the next-gen of banking in Russia - Tinkoff.
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