Holistic scientist

About me

My name is Dmitry Olshansky and I’m a computer science researcher with broad spectrum of interests. Over time my focus changed from Robotics to AI to Compilers and Runtimes to Distributed Systems.


  • The world is too simple to believe it.

  • Two good brains is all it takes.

  • Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right. (Henry Ford)

  • We become what we do. (Pierre Gauthier)

Things I do

CEO of Glow labs, a D language specific IT consultancy.

ElasticSearch consulting - mainly scaling and common misconfigurations.

Constantly approaching the defense of my PhD thesis on an obscure machine learning technique “JSM method” in application to chemestry.

Contributing to the D programming language - authored 2 modules of standard library, also did tools and other small additions.

Working at the next-gen of banking in Russia - Tinkoff.

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Talks and publications

D language

Academic stuff, for highly inclined